Monday, August 21, 2017

My One True Love😍

So since we are lucky enough to have iPads that have our areabook on them for us, we get to type our reports and such in there. And this week I told Patch Shimai that I'm a very visual person to which she responded "now all the emojis in areabook make sense"😳 she has come to realize that emojis truly are apart of my vocabulary. I even draw them on the board for eikaiwa😎


This week was pretty good! After temple pday last Tuesday (which was the last one of the mission because they're closing the temple to remodel it) we went to visit a potential investigator who lives pretty close to the church. The elders found her in November (yeah, forever ago, right!?) and no one has been able to contact her or hasn't really tried so we went! And she was there! And she said she read the pamphlet the elders gave her last time! And we talked for a good while and gave her a Book of Mormon and she said she'll read it! And then she gave us her phone number and told us to call anytime! いいねー!We're going to try and visit her again this week since she lives so close to the church. Miracles are a happening, y'all!

Thursday we had splits with the Kofu sisters and I went further into Tokyo to see the doctor so basically we spent all day on the train. Smith Shimai came here to Hachiōji with me and she's a funny one haha she's transfer one and is from Tennessee. Super cute and just goes with the flow. When we got back to Hachiōji from splitting in Ōtsuki, which is an hour away by train, the Kofu sister called and informed us that Patch Shimai still had the keys to the Hachiōji apartment *face palm* but we got it all figured out and just stopped by my beloved Kichijoji on our way into Tokyo to get the spare key. All was well!

The doctor was a very nice man and definitely was NOT full Nihonjin. Nope. His eyes were green, y'all. Green. But he has a Nihonjin last name so I'm still figuring him out haha but he was very nice and all was well with that as well.

This past weekend we had stake conference here in the Machida Stake. And it was swell. So good. But embarrassing part: the Hachiōji Ward choir sang at it and they recruited the missionaries to sing too so I was in the middle back (of course) and we sat on the stand. Well, I was perfectly positioned so that I was on the camera for the waaaay back people the entire time and I also woke up with the largest zit of my mission thus far on the left side of my mouth. #mylife. But the talks were all SO good. Basically our stake president, President Savstrom, is a spiritual giant and blows my mind every time he speaks. And then we heard from the Tokyo temple president and his wife, Sister Warnick, and then Elder Choi from the area presidency and his wife. Wow. So good. And the members who gave talks too were so great and basically I just love this gospel and it's the best when lots of people gather together to talk about it.

A few things that really stuck out to me were from Elder and Sister Choi. Sister Choi just like straight up apologized to the youth and young adults of the church for our parents because she knows they have all messed up at some point. But then she said that she hopes we know they're trying. So I grabbed my planner and wrote this "our parents aren't perfect but they are trying and Heavenly Father trusts them." I don't know about you but I think that's pretty great. So thanks, parents, for trying. You're the best😘 the other ones were from Elder Choi. He said that the gospel is "the most delicious food from heaven" and that it was even better than kimchi! He's from Korea so that's a big deal. But I liked that analogy. He then also talked about climbing Mt. Fuji recently and how he started with no walking sticks and ended with two walking sticks and related them to the priesthood and the Book of Mormon. We need both on our journey up the mountain! And we have to use both! It was just a fun little thought that I wanted to share with you all😊

Well, here's me rambling again.. but I'll stop now..

Scriptures! 2 Nephi 2:6-7&26, 2 Nephi 4:32-33, and 2 Nephi 8:11. Isn't the Atonement of Jesus Christ the best!?

Have a good week and always remember there is a crazy sister missionary in Tokyo who loves you!!

Stay safe. Stay classy. Stay sassy.

Love you😘


You know
We were at the church and it started POURING and we
had no umbrellas so we ran home in the rain😊👍🏻🌧

An elder in our zone (he's probably the missions current favorite elder) is currently in the hospital so the mission is making a video with pictures for him from all of us and this was ours. 

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