Tuesday, November 1, 2016

I done messed up..


First mess up: I forgot to mention in last weeks email that this week was temple p-day.. 本当にごめんなさい。

Second mess up: I tried to make brownies and they were so awful. So awful. I'm ashamed to even say I tried. Apparently I can only bake things when I'm in America. So. Bad.

Third mess up: I went on splits last week with the always rocking Crawford姉妹 (she's super cool and from New Zealand) and when I packed for the splits, the weather said it would be like 74 degrees so I packed according to that. Nope. It was not 74 degrees. It was probably like 53 degrees and POURING rain and all I brought with me was a cardigan I had bought for ¥1000. So. Cold. We walked back to the eki (station) to end splits and I thought I was going to freeze. I also now have a cold and I'm so upset about this and also leads into the fourth mess up.

Fourth mess up: I did not bring sufficient resources for how often I get sick. I have a total of 10 pills left and so I refuse to take them until I get worse or someone shoves them down my throat. You have to go to a real doctor here in order to get the stuff I brought with me so I am basically coveting it.

Okay, that's all the failures of the week that you get to hear from me for now.

Monday we had a dinner appointment with the cutest family. So cute! The parents are both fluent in English and graduated from BYU-Hawaii and they have two little boys who are just adorable. It was a good time, for sure. And since they're fluent in English, I was able to practice my Japanese but still know that if I said something wrong, they could tell me and help me clearly say it. Waaaay less stressful than our usual lessons haha.

So. In a couple weeks we have stake conference for the Yokohama stake and the Kamiooka Ward choir is singing at it. And apparently just because you're a missionary means you can sing. No. That is a lie, everyone. I cannot sing. But I have been roped into being in the choir and since I'm a giant here, I get to stand in the very middle of the back row. It's giving me awful flashback to elementary school. But it's still fun! I love to sing, I'm just probably tone deaf so that's always a fun time haha and then you add that it's in Japanese and everything sounds weird in Japanese so it's just an interesting experience for all involved.

Splits. Yes, I got to go to Yamate for splits last week which was fun! Crawford Shimai was sick and since my knee is dumb, we just had a pretty chill day of contacting and visiting an investigator who lives pretty close to the Yamate apartment.

Speaking of my knees, I am good! Of course it hurts sometimes but that's just something I'm going to have to deal with my whole life. But after taking it easy for a few days and not riding my bike at all since last week, I have been doing way better! I also got myself a nice ice pack which is my new best friend hahaha

Cool little miracle: we had a kind of investigator randomly show up to church on Sunday and she stayed for ALL of it🎉🎉🎉🎉 and she said she's coming next week!! Yaaaaay!!! She's kind of an eternal investigator but I know one day she'll realize why she likes coming to our church and that what we're telling her is true.

Normally this would be the part of the email where I put in some nice scriptures for y'all but I'm a loser and forgot to write them done in my iPad and I don't have my journal.. I'm slightly upset about this. Buuuuut if I could suggest anything, it would be to pick a chapter in President Hinckley's "Teachings of the Presidents" and read it. I'm working my way through it right now and it's great. Also, currently studying the story of Esther and basically, I am weak and have no strength or anything like that. I need to be more like Esther. Lift my chin up and do what I have been asked to do and do it with conviction, that's what I need to do.

I hope Halloween was good for everyone!! I spent it doing a zone blitz which was way fun! But it definitely wasn't the same as Halloween at home.. I also hope everyone was safe! There are some crazy people in the world!

I love you all and your Heavenly Father loves you all and Jesus loves you all.

Stay safe. Stay classy. Stay sassy.

This man is the husband of a member we stopped by to visit.
He is making a map of Japan out of cement in his yard, it is amazing!

Fuji San up close🗻
There is this place in Japan called "Sweets Paradise". It's literally a cake and ice cream buffet. You can bet your bum we went there for lunch last P-Day.

The picture doesn't do it justice but once you get to the top of
some of the hills here in Kamiooka, it seems worth the hike.

Yesterday we got 31% off at Baskin Robins🍦
District lunch at a steak house. Those who know my feeling about
steak are probably wondering why I was there. Well, it wasn't my
choice but I will be the first to tell you that that steak was the best
I've ever had in my life. Sorry, dad..

We went to the temple🎉

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