Sunday, October 15, 2017


That emoji is me right now. I pulled a classic Fishburn Shimai and caught a cold. And it's kicking my butt. Sister Warnick told me I had to rest and sleep so I literally slept from 12:00pm yesterday until 6:30am this morning, only waking up once for chicken noodle soup made by my amazing companion. And yes, I am still sick but I feel better today so that's good! I'm going to sleep some more later so hopefully I'll just sleep this bug away real fast.

Because I've been sick, this past week wasn't too exciting.. we've done a lot of contacting from areabook.. and we've found a lot of people who don't have interest anymore or don't have time right now..but we're still digging for the kinjin!!

We tried to visit the young mom we found last week but she was busy and couldn't talk then😕 so we'll try again this week and see if she has time then! Also, we had a lesson planned with the lady the elders found for us that is just amazing, but she had to cancel.. but we'll hopefully be able to set up another appointment for this week. We're going to call her tonight and get that figured out.

Rodriguez Shimai has been a complete doll and has been taking care of me. She's seriously an angel. So great. I love her.

Speaking of companions, we got transfer emails😳 I'm super sad because Rodriguez Shimai will be transferring to Yokosuka😭 we're still in the same zone but I will miss her soooo much. She's great. My new companion is named Ikeda Shimai. She's Nihonjin, if you couldn't tell haha I think she'll be transfer 4.. but she's probably a much better missionary than I am so I'm excited to learn from her and get to work with her these next six weeks. But I will miss my beautiful Rodriguez Shimai so very dearly😔😔

With transfer emails comes a new transfer. Transfer 11 is upon us. Wow. This is my last full transfer since I'll be leaving a few weeks into my 12th. Taylor Shimai emailed me today and pointed out that we only have 9 weeks left (she's going home the same day I am) and that's how long we were in the MTC for. Whaaaat? I have an MTC stay left. That's not very long.. I mean, in the MTC it seemed like forever but I feel like here it's going to go by much, much faster than the MTC did. AHHHH I AM SUCH AN OLD WOMAN MISSIONARY👵🏻 HALP.

Yup. That's about it for this past week. Sorry, it was kind of a lame week since I was sick for most of it..


Here's some 聖句 for ya! Alma 40:11, Alma 42:13-15, and 1 John 3:18Please read them and enjoy them:) also, I hope y'all are reading the Book of Mormon on your own because our beloved prophet has asked us all to do so. So please, read:) and receive some nice personal revelation for your life! Yay!

Have a good week!!

Stay safe. Stay classy. Stay sassy.

Love you!


Because I was/am sick,
this is all I've got for you this week.

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